Jesus Is Lord!

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After teaching middle school students for about 5 years, I noticed a few strands of gray hair. I thought, “There is no way this could be gray hair.” I was inclined to snatch it out but had heard that pulling it out would make even more strands appear. So, I rolled with it, and only a few years later, I was officially in the salt and pepper club. I soon realized that I was now being referred to as ma’am versus miss. This led me to try hair dye. The hair coloring session was successful—at least until I went to the gym. During an intense workout, my black dye started to run down my face. It was during this embarrassing moment that I decided to Embrace the Gray.

I soon realized that God was using this experience in my life to help me understand that there will be times in my life when I would need to embrace change, and oh, have I had to embrace change. Change such as the violent attack on my brother leaving him partially paralyzed, the sudden death of my sister at 41 years old, the loss of my job, and the chronic illness of my mother. Not to mention the other events weaved in among these major life-altering events. Now at 51, I see how God used these very unfortunate events to help transform me into the person that I am. Not only that, but now he is also giving me the opportunity and platform to minister and support others as they learn to embrace the gray areas in their lives. Hence this blog!

The goal is simple: to exalt my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and share the message of the Gospel—Jesus loves you and died for you. It is this Gospel message and the Holy power of God that helped me through many difficult times in my life. This same power is available to you. You know what I love most about God is that he has no respect of person. His love rains on the just as well as the unjust. His amazing grace is for whosoever, that is, whosoever will believe on his son Jesus Christ. What is even more amazing is that once you believe in Jesus Christ, God will do a divine exchange. He will take your hurt, pain and joyless life and give you His love, joy, and peace. God tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He is truly the burden bearer and heavy load carrier. Those who believe on His son will become sons and daughters also and then given the right to cast (throw) their cares on Him because He cares for them.

Are there gray areas in your life? If so, I invite you to do what I did and Embrace the Gray. Ask God how to make the most out of the situationthat is, if He chooses not to take you out of it. Embrace change, Embrace life, Embrace God. Then, watch as people around you begin to reach out to you for wisdom that God has given you. Just as salt enhances and pepper adds flavor, you will enhance and add to the many lives around you.

For God’s Glory,
