Out of the Mouths of Babes…

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Out of the mouths of babes…

My daughters were around the ages of 8 and 10 when they approached me after church. I was reclining in the chair when they walked up, arm in arm. I knew something was up. They said, “Ma, why do you treat other children better than you treat us?” I responded, “What are you talking about?” I was just about to say more when the Holy Spirit told me to listen. I did. They shared how they watched me interact with other children with love, patience and understanding but felt that I was not that way with them. While it was painful to hear, I needed to hear it, because sadly, it was true.

I prayed while they spoke—repenting and asking God for help. I desired to be a loving mom, so I prayed for it. Once the girls finished, I apologized. I told my 8- and 10-year-old girls that I was sorry for my behavior. I asked for their forgiveness and their help. They accepted my apology and agreed to assist me. They would tell me when I was behaving in a manner not pleasing to God.  Goodness, they stayed on me.

  1. Mom, you know you do not need another ticket, so you better slow down.
  2. Mom, why don’t we go to Bible Study. God’s gonna get you.
  3. Mom, if you get up earlier you won’t have to rush.

On and on it went, each time the Holy Spirit instructing me to listen.

I started asking the girls how I was doing on a scale from 1-10. I gradually improved from 1 to 10.  I remember the day they gave me a 10. It was exhilarating! Now, my daughters, ages 23 and 25, are my best friends. We can talk about anything, and I absolutely adore the relationship we have. Friends, God did that. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that God can’t do. God can fix broken people. He just needs willing vessels. Are you a willing vessel? Do you desire to be a better person? If so, ask God to help you. He is available, willing, and certainly able. If you are not living a holy spirit-filled life, perhaps it is because your spirit is not filled with holiness. Change your diet and feed on the meat of God’s word. His Word has transforming power. Will you give God a chance? I am confident that you will not be sorry.

For God’s Glory,
