Tell The Truth, Part 2

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Tell The Truth, Part 2
While on vacation, I was lounging by the pool when I was approached by someone selling timeshares. I initially declined but was enticed with the promise of cash or a weeklong stay in a local resort. So, I agreed to entertain his offer. At the end of his presentation, the representative noted that my husband must be present. When I told him that he wouldn’t be available, he explained that I could attend alone but it was important that I say that I was single—not separated—but single. I agreed. I signed the papers, and I promised to be there.
Throughout the day, I thought about how I would present myself without mentioning my husband. I also wondered if I should leave my wedding ring in my room. Then, suddenly, it dawned on me that I could not go along with this. Simply put, this would be a lie; I could not walk in there and pretend to be single. Unbelievably, I was planning to lie to get a couple of hundred dollars in cash. I decided that I would keep my word and attend the timeshare meeting, but I would tell them I was married and my husband was unable to join me. That is exactly what I did. And just as the representative explained, without my husband’s presence, I could not participate.
I thank God for His Spirit who reminded me to never compromise doing what is right. The scripture asks us, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). As children of God, we are to emulate Him. That is, we should strive to be more like Him, crucifying the deeds of our flesh everyday. In other words, we are to say no to anything that displeases our Father. Some may consider this “white lie” as harmless and not a weighty matter. I encourage you to challenge this thinking because there is no such thing as small sin. Sin is sin, and it stinks in God’s nostrils.  
Friends, lying is not an attribute of God’s children. It is sin. God is not pleased with it, and He does not excuse it. If you have difficulty being honest or you often tell white lies, I encourage you to ask God to help you lead a truthful life. Don’t make excuses for the sin. Seek the Lord. He is ready and willing to help you. I know because He’s helped me, and what He did for me, He can do for you.
For God’s Glory,