Tell The truth

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I recall when I punished my then seven-year-old daughter for lying. She was adamant that she’d completed reading a 200-page book in ten minutes. The most frustrating part was that she would not relent, despite asking for honesty numerous times. This only infuriated me. When I reflect upon just how angry I became, I can only imagine how God must feel when His children lie.
As an adult, I have lied, and I am not proud of it. I’ve told lies to seem more important, to avoid reprimand, and, in some instances, for no real reason at all.  Regardless, lying is not a Christian trait. Psalm 51:5 says God desires truth in the inward parts. This means that we need to search ourselves for the root of the lies.
When I took a deep look inside, I found a heart full of deceit. I was more concerned about pleasing people than pleasing God. I concerned more about what people thought about me than what God thought. I struggled with trust and really didn’t have a true understanding of who God was.
Friends, I did not like what I saw as I peered into my heart, so I asked God to change me. I am happy to report that He is doing the “heart” work on me. I still struggle, but I am making progress. I now find myself thinking before I speak, considering God,  and I praying for the strength to be honest—even if it means that I will face harsh consequences.
What about you? Do you lie? Do you find yourself justifying your lies? If so, I encourage you to seek God. In Him, you will find the answers and the help that you need to live a life that is pleasing in His sight.
For God’s Glory,